So I go through all the prompts to make a collect call from jail. So many prompts. The phone finally starts ringing.
I hear Angela start to say “hello” but she was cut off by the automatic message. I never wanted to hear her voice more and the automatic message lady’s voice less.
“You are receiving a collect call from- Stouten Porter (recorded by me seconds earlier)- from the county jail. Do you accept all charges from this call?”
“Yes,” I hear her say. It was was one word but I could tell it had so many questions.
“You have 5 minutes for this call. You will now be connected.”
“Are you in freaking jail?” Angela shrieks.
“Yeah babe,” I say sadly. “She and the judge put me in jail for child support.”
“Are you serious? Oh my goodness! This is terrible! I’ve seen men who owe tens of thousands of dollars in child support and have never been to jail! Why were you sent there?”
“I don’t know babe. I was sitting there in court watching just that- men owing more than me…longer than me…judge just gave them a plan or told them to start paying. For me, it seemed like I never had a chance. I can’t believe it. This is scary, baby. I don’t know why I’m in here.”
“I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” I can hear her voice start to cry. “This is so terrible. I don’t know what to do? What can I do? Is there an amount you have to pay to get out?”
“Yeah,” I say with my forehead on top of the phone machine. “Looks like $1100 plus court costs.”
”Oh my goodness, babe,” now she is definitely crying. “ We don’t have that.”
”I know we don’t.”
”I can ask my parents.”
”No. Please don’t tell your parents. I’m embarrassed calling you.”
”Well what do we do? We probably only have a few hundred in savings.”
”Do me a favor. Call my sister. And my Dad. I’m hoping between them they can figure out how to help me out.”
”Ok baby.”
There’s a long silence. I hear her sniffles and tears. It’s hard for me to not cry too. This is so terrible. So so terrible. Angela is with all 4 kids right now. Out having fun and enjoying life. That was the plan- distract them with some fun while Dad was in court. Now I don’t get to see my kids today. I don’t get to meet Angela and give her a kiss. I don’t get to do anything- but sit in jail, await my fate, and contemplate why I’m here. The silence seems like forever. Neither of us know what to say.
”I love you, baby,” I say.
”I love—-“. The automated service cuts her off.
“Your alotted time for this phone call has been reached. Thank you for using Collect Connect. Goodbye.”
Dial tone.
She didn’t even get to finish saying I love you.