So right before our eyes, Sage disappeared just like Craft did.
I can’t emphasize enough how extremely weird and uncanny it is to see your son or daughter standing in front of you, and then the next second you don’t. We as humans just don’t see something like that every day. Certainly we see illusions at magic shows, but that is what they are: magic tricks and illusions. They aren’t real. There’s explanations behind them and these magicians are able to deceive our eyes for a second.
Well there’s no explanation today. My eyes are not being deceived. The only explanation I have right now is that two of my kids possibly know how to teleport. Well, at least Craft can. It’s only been a couple seconds and Sage has not returned.
Then we hear: “Rock and….oh my gosh!”
It’s Sage! And she’s standing on top of that rock! She almost falls off of it from her excitement but regains her balance.
“I did it!” She screams and jumps, and then says “whoa” as she almost slips.
We all run over to her, cheering and yelling. Angela grabs her first and hugs her- checking her whole body that she has all her limbs, fingers, and toes.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Angela asks her. “Do you feel alright? You smell like burnt feathers!”
“ I feel fine, mom!” Sage says. “I smell it too but Craft had that same smell when he did it.”
“Maybe that’s just what happens when you teleport,” Haley pipes in. “Something burns. I hope it’s not your hair! Or even worse- inside your body!”
Angela sniffs some more and searches Sage’s short hair.
“I don’t think my hair is burning,” Sage says, “And I feel great inside!”
“Me too!” Yells Craft. “ I want to do it again!”
“Hold on, buddy,” I say, stopping him. “This is not a new toy or a XBox. We can’t just be teleporting all over the place every second. If this really is the gift Adam gave us, we have to be careful with it. And really figure it out, OK? So promise me you won’t abuse this thing and just go willy-nilly teleporting. And ask for my or Angela’s permission before you do it again. Understand?”
“Yes,” Craft and Sage say with a small amount of disappointment. I do get the feeling that they understand what I’m saying though. This is definitely not a toy.
“I gotta try again!” Hops chimes in. He closes his eyes tightly as we all brace for his disappearance.
But nothing happens.
“You’re trying too hard, Hops,” Sage says like she’s an expert already.
“Yeah, Hops,” Craft agrees. “You have to act like you already know how to do it.”
Act like you already know how to do it? How are these kids so knowledgeable about this gift already? It’s like they disappeared, came back, and then mentally aged 20 years.
“Oh I get it,” Haley says. “So I would just calmly say I want to be up in that tree and—“
And then she was gone.
Like the other two kids, I sincerely hope she comes back.