'Porters and Hurricanes

I have gone through 2 divorces. They were both very difficult. First when I was a teen with my parents, and once myself. They are life changing events that really no one likes to talk about. So I wanted to write something from the man’s perspective that will hopefully start more dialogues. A father and a husband go through so much mental, financial and emotional anguish during divorce. What was their world and life is abruptly stripped from them, and nobody really cares. We are so lost at times- treading water in the ocean- and many men never get a life preserver.

Often times this blog will be uncomfortable. Because divorce and all it’s elements are uncomfortable. But once we get beyond the drama, there can be a beauty and a happiness for everyone involved . For some, it’s that “getting beyond” that seems an insurmountable task. The dark cloak of divorce can be suffocating. I know I made mistakes. You are about to read many. Hopefully I can save others from making the same dumb choices. But here’s the ironic part: My divorce was the best mistake I ever made. Was yours?

Fortunately, I made some very amazing positive choices too. And you will read those as well. I promise it won’t be all doom and gloom. This blog will be fiction with a sci-fi twist and surprise, but trust me, there will be a lot of true life and actual occurrences throughout. For my family’s sake, I didn’t want to make a non-fiction autobiography for many reasons. But much of what you will read did occur. Personally, I think I added some fictitious elements so I would never have to confess what is true. Maybe I will some day.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to hearing what you think.


Chapter 16- After Shock

April 27, 2022

Now let’s get back to present day. After we touch this Adam guy, we are all knocked back on our butts by some crazy force. We almost black out for a few seconds. The shock that ran through my body is so hard to explain. At first, I literally felt like I was struck by […]

So let’s go back to Worse Day #2 for a minute. Remember that day, precious readers and listeners? The last day at my family home? How much it sucked? Well it continued to suck. I’m in my soon-to-be old driveway, screaming and pounding the dashboard. I pull out, take one last look at the house, […]

Chapter 14- The Gift

June 30, 2019

My family and I walk over to Adam’s body. My stepdaughter Sage gasps pretty loudly at the sight of him, even though I covered up the bloody disgusting parts. The way his body is lying on the tree with his leg going the way it shouldn’t is enough to be shocking. But just looking at […]

So when you see your stepson tumbling down a hill towards you and a very big tree, you really only have 2 choices: 1) You can watch it happen and hope for the best, or 2) you have to react fast and hope you can save him from a serious injury. I can tell he […]

I finish wiping this uncanny man’s face with my sweatshirt. I’ve almost run out of not-bloody parts of it, but I make sure I get his neck and hair. Who did this to him? Whoever- or whatever- it was, they were vicious. Violently vicious where slaughter is the main option. Like some kind of animal. […]

So, for some crazy reason, here I am scaling down the side of this Pennsylvania hill, reiterating over and over the words that stand for WTF. I have to use branches and rocks to keep me from slipping and possibly breaking a limb. All of this to go talk to a guy who knows my […]

I don’t know what to do. I want to grab my family up and run. Don’t stop until I reach the car. Start it up, slam on the gas, and burn rubber like they do in the movies. As the tires squeal and the smoke billows, my kids are still closing the doors as I […]

So let me re-paint this picture for you. My family and I decided to take a nice, peaceful stroll through a Pennsylvania state park, only to come across a very injured man at the bottom of a hill. I didn’t sign up for this mess. It’s a very steep drop. I could slowly inch my […]

So if you haven’t been to the Pocono Mountains in the great state of Pennsylvania, put it on your list. Make sure you drive through the state. Soak in the hills and valleys of this beautifully landscaped part of our country. Pull over on one of those scenic view stops and stare at that river […]

So I don’t need to tell you how crazy road trips can be with four kids. We are talking two girls ( ages 13 and 7) and two boys (ages 9 and 8). Crazy. Thank God for whoever invented Minecraft. I know it has lost its luster in the gaming world, but there was a […]

As the phone rings, I’m really nervous about Angela’s suggestion. Will it work? Will just giving my ex the management office’s number suffice? Will she still really call the cops? She picks up. “Hello?” “Ok,” I say, “Here’s the address.” I give it to her. “Thank you,” she says. “Why was that so hard?” “You […]

Ok so let’s jump back to whether my ex or the Po Po are calling me. Just typing or saying that sounds ridiculous. Am I really breaking the law? No. Does what I’m doing really warrant calling the police? I don’t think so. Can they really arrest me for not knowing the exact address of […]

Chapter 3- Worse Day #2

February 16, 2019

So just so you know, my precious readers and listeners, I will be jumping around between the past and present within this story. Probably my favorite TV show of all time is Breaking Bad, which did a fantastic job of going back in time, giving you glimpses of the present, and sometimes starting episodes with […]

I wish my 13-year old daughter forgot her phone at home. Instead, she’s talking to her mother and not winning the fight against her tears. “I don’t know mom!”, I hear her cry. “He said he would have an address when we get there!” Pause. “Well I don’t know what to do!” Pause. Sniffle. “I […]

She is not going to stop calling me.  My ex-wife has already called me 5 times and we aren’t even out of the city. She left a message the first time. She wanted to know the exact address and phone number of where we were taking the kids for spring break. I already told her […]