I have gone through 2 divorces. They were both very difficult. First when I was a teen with my parents, and once myself. They are life changing events that really no one likes to talk about. So I wanted to write something from the man’s perspective that will hopefully start more dialogues. A father and a husband go through so much mental, financial and emotional anguish during divorce. What was their world and life is abruptly stripped from them, and nobody really cares. We are so lost at times- treading water in the ocean- and many men never get a life preserver.
Often times this blog will be uncomfortable. Because divorce and all it’s elements are uncomfortable. But once we get beyond the drama, there can be a beauty and a happiness for everyone involved . For some, it’s that “getting beyond” that seems an insurmountable task. The dark cloak of divorce can be suffocating. I know I made mistakes. You are about to read many. Hopefully I can save others from making the same dumb choices. But here’s the ironic part: My divorce was the best mistake I ever made. Was yours?
Fortunately, I made some very amazing positive choices too. And you will read those as well. I promise it won’t be all doom and gloom. This blog will be fiction with a sci-fi twist and surprise, but trust me, there will be a lot of true life and actual occurrences throughout. For my family’s sake, I didn’t want to make a non-fiction autobiography for many reasons. But much of what you will read did occur. Personally, I think I added some fictitious elements so I would never have to confess what is true. Maybe I will some day.
Thanks for reading. I look forward to hearing what you think.